Exterior acoustic enclosure on floating slab
Exterior acoustic enclosure

Acústica Integral has built an exterior acoustic enclosure on the floating slab to control the sound emission of several types of equipment that were disturbing an adjoining laboratory, both of which are located inside an industrial facility. The client has decided to move the equipment outside the industrial premise and has entrusted the job to the engineering services of Acústica Integral.
Acústica Integral, through its engineering department, has performed an acoustic study in order to determine which would be the acoustic impact of moving the equipment outside the industrial premises. We must take into account that, a problem that was inside the actual activity, is transferred to the outside, and now we have to control the emission levels that this equipment is going to produce outside. The equipment moved is the following: One aluminium piston compressor Atlas Copco Automan HP3, one piston compressor Worthington Creyssensac DNXPRO 3150V and one refrigerant dryer SEKAVEN SEK-005.
The engineering team has performed the measurement of each equipment individually to be able to determine the sound pressure levels that they generate by frequency band. It is essential to stress that the performance of the noise sources depends on the frequency, and the type of treatment to apply is closely linked to this matter, marking the type of acoustic insulation material necessary to control the noise of these sources, in the specific position they are going to have inside the installation.
The client is going to move the laboratory to a new industrial premise, and the equipment will be installed outside this facility, which is going to be used as the laboratory. The aim is to determine which acoustic treatments will be necessary to ensure that the noise levels for this type of activity are not exceeded inside the laboratory, and to control the acoustic emission impact to the outside generated by the equipment.
The acoustic study reaches the conclusion that the acoustic treatments to be performed are the following:
1. Insulating treatment to prevent the noise from the equipment disturbing inside the new laboratory: it is concluded: the installation on the floor of a reinforced concrete floating slab of 10 cm supported on Acustilastic-N. On slab, and to achieve the floatability of the acoustic enclosure; an acoustic enclosure has been installed made up of reinforced modular panels type Acustimodul-80RA, acoustic silencers type SNA to guarantee the ventilation of the machines without losing acoustic insulation; and to access the inside if the acoustic enclosure, an acoustic door model RS5C has been installed. To improve the insulation of the building's facade, a large size acoustic door model RS3-XL has been installed.
2. Insulating treatment to prevent the acoustic impact to the outside to exceed the standard limit. Thus the already described acoustic enclosure has been performed which enables ensuring the objectives are met.

Upon completion of the installation, the resulting levels after the acoustic treatments were checked, and the objectives set in the previous acoustic study were met accordingly.
This enables us to confirm that the performance of the previous acoustic studies allows conducting precise estimates of the acoustic impact that the noise sources will generate, without having to make investments in the acoustic installations, and with the guarantee that the final result will be according to the values estimated in the study. The acoustic guarantees are a reality when previous acoustic studies are conducted.
Project: Exterior acoustic enclosure on floating slab
Ref: O02MA1600492
Sector: Industry. Exterior enclosure.
- Acoustic enclosure with Acustimodul-80RA panels.
- Acoustic door type RS5C for the passage of staff.
- Acoustic silencers of parallel dampening devices, SNA.